The recent FDA approval of iLASIK procedure for monovision now allows surgeons to more accurately correct the distance as well as the near vision of presbyopes, states Kevin Niksarli, MD of Manhattan Lasik Center. This has made LASIK, an already great and popular procedure, even more versatile for those with presbyopia.
New York, NY (PRWEB) February 17, 2009 -- Beginning in the mid 40s, everyone with good distance vision starts to experience blurred vision at near points, such as when reading a book, newspaper, putting on eye make-up or even working at the computer. This happens to everyone with good distance vision, even if they never used glasses before, states Kevin Niksarli, MD of Manhattan Lasik Center.
Kevin Niksarli, MD estimates that approximately 100 million people in the United States either have presbyopia, or will develop it by 2016. This is generating a huge demand for eyewear, contact lenses, and surgery that can help presbyopes deal with their failing near vision.
source: eMediaWire
Kevin Niksarli, MD of Manhattan Lasik Center Announces Successful Use of iLASIK Procedure Incorporating Monovision
Soldiers in line for laser eye surgery
Canada's military is moving toward surgically enhancing the vision of its soldiers, sailors and airmen, hoping to better equip them for combat and other demanding jobs -- without the hassle of eyeglasses or contact lenses.
The Department of National Defence recently issued a tender for contractors to develop a detailed laser eye surgery program, noting that corrected vision is particularly important in certain military trades.
The operation would give troops in the field an advantage over having to wear spectacles or contacts, said Dr. Walter Delpero, who was the Canadian Forces' chief of opthalmology until he retired from military service in 1996.
"The big question is, what happens if you lose your corrective vision," said Dr. Delpero, who is now in private practice and teaches at the University of Ottawa.
source: National Post